Plus 35 Short Stories Published in 41 Venues
A Cost-Effective Analysis for the De-Extinction of the Woolly Mammoth (Daily Science Fiction, October 2017)
Crosswired (Plasma Frequency, August 2013)
Cylinders (3rd Place Jim Baen Memorial Award, 2016); The Jim Baen Memorial Award: The First Decade (anthology), November 2017; Adventures in Space, (Anthology) April 2023)
Druid Days, Dragon Knights (NewMyths.com. Summer 2023)
Eavesdropping at the Keyhole to Forever (The Universe Annex of the Grantville Gazette, December 2012)
Educating HIRAM-973 (Perihelion, October 2016)
Every Place is Halfway to Somewhere (NewMyths.com, August 2015; Passages (anthology), December 2018 )
Filibustering the Asteroid [Southern Truths (Alternatives) (B-Cubed Press anthology), October, 2024]
For the People (Daily Science Fiction, December 2013)
Fugue for Forgetfulness (Buzzy, October 2013)
Gnostalgia (Daily Science Fiction, December 2014)
Henki (NewMyths.com, December 2017; NeoSapiens (anthology) November 2022)
Hire Education (The Universe Annex of the Grantville Gazette, June 2012)
His Brother was an Only Child (Daily Science Fiction, June 2011)
Jogging Alien's Guide to Weight-loss Dating (Perihelion, February 2017)
Lovers' Moon (Perihelion, August 2016)
Intent to Occupy (2nd Place Jim Baen Memorial Award 2013; Compelling Science Fiction, August 2016; For All Mankind (anthology), March 2018)
Last Story Teller in Effable (NewMyths.com, July 2019)
Let Us Go Then, You and I (NewMyths.com, August 2016; Twilight Worlds (anthology: 2nd place Reader's Choice) December 2020)
Mickey A. Goes to the Moon (Perihelion, April 2016)
Meaning of Life (Nature: Futures, October, 2013)
Never the Twain (Dream Forge, June 2019)
Old Man & the C (Stupefying Stories, January 2018)
Perchance to Bleam (Nature: Futures, April, 2012)
Piano Sonata for Three Hands (NewMyths.com, September 2018)
Philosophy (Heir Apparent (Anthology), August 2011)
Rendezvous at Rashomon (Dark Stars (anthology), December 2013)
The Sháńdíín Message (NewMyths.com, June 2021)
Slamnesia (Abyss & Apex, January 2014)
The Dragon Who Studied Philosophy (Sally Port, October 2024)
The Unicorn Dilemma (NewMyths.com, March 2012)
Wake Up and Smell the Moonflower (Opinion Guy, July 2011)
Wizards & Wizdom (Deep Magic, February 2017)
Wolf Brother's Song (Lost Worlds (anthology), June 2017)
Words and Music (Nature: Futures, February, 2012, Nature Futures 2 Anthology, Sept 2014)